Registration process for NOAN PGS
1. Farmers read the Terms of References to understand and accept TORs
2. Farmers identify with a close community local group to create groups or join existing groups. (Safer to identify with Local groups with common boundaries and Interest)
3. Already formed groups should encourage other farmers to join.
4. Groups formed share registration forms to individual members. Template attached (form 1,2 and 3) can be used to register farmers with local groups (local groups can modify upwards but not reduce down wards)
5. Group members agree to sign the farmers pledge
6. Local Groups can have flexible payment agreement with individual farmers.
7. Local Groups issue registration numbers to farmers after completion of registration
8. Local Groups follow the link to register with NOAN PGS on the created data base platform. LINK here
9. Groups Sign Agreements with State chapters
10. Registration fee structure below(PGS NOAN):
11. All registered groups get a registration/identification code. Identification codes would be used for future correspondences.
12. Already registered Local groups would be required to update records of groups database using the Link shared
13. Induction trainings for Group Leaders and local group representatives
Please Note: We encourage individuals with background in extension services, Social workers and individuals who have some measure of competence in group formation to help facilitate and maintain the structure of Local Groups formed. They can serve as coordinators on behalf of groups where there are uneducated farmers.
Such individuals can develop careers in translating standard practices to local farmers and alongside create market linkages.