Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative

Vibrant Ecological Organic Systems for Enhanced Food
Security and Sustainable Development in Africa.
Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative in Africa was borne following the decision by the Africa Heads

The Pillars of Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative


Vibrant Ecological Organic Systems for Enhanced Food Security and Sustainable Development in Africa.


To scale up ecologically sound strategies and practices among diversified stakeholders through institutional capacity development, scientific innovations, market participation, public policies and programs, outreach and communication, efficient, coordination, networking and partnerships.


The overall goal of the Action Plan is to mainstream ecological agriculture into national agricultural production systems by 2020.

Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative in Africa was borne following the decision by the Africa Heads

About Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative

Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative in Africa was borne following the decision by the Africa Heads of State and Government. The overall goal of the Action Plan is to mainstream ecological organic agriculture into national agricultural production systems by 2020. The initiative was piloted in the 2012 and executed in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Ethiopia (East Africa), Nigeria (West Africa) and Zambia (Southern Africa) under the chairmanship of Africa Union Commission with funding from Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC). The initiative has six pillars namely:

Pillar 1

Research, Training and Extension

Pillar 4

Networking and Partnership

Pillar 2

Information and Communication

Pillar 5

Policy and Programme Development

Pillar 3

Value Chain and Market Development

Pillar 6

Institutional Capacity Development

Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria (formerly Nigerian Organic Agriculture Network) executed the initiative in Nigeria participating in the activities of four pillars (a – d).

Following the success and experience gained from the pilot phase, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) decided to fund the roll out of EOA initiative in eight African countries for five years (2014 – 2018). These countries comprises of four East African Countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Ethiopia) and four West African Countries (Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Mali and Senegal). The initiative will be executed under four pillars namely: a) Research, Training and Extension, b) Information and Communication, c) Value Chain and Market Development, d) Supporting and Cementing. Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria (NOAN) is the Country Lead Organization of the Initiative in Nigeria.

Pillar Implementing

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