PGS Certification Procedures
Pre-certification would be done by the PGS group: Groups can now issue out ‘first line certification’ after trainings, evaluations and peer reviews. A second tier approval by the state chapters (second line Certification) after random surveillance of all groups. A final tier certification by the PGS secretariat (Final Stamp) after evaluating reports and submissions documents.
1. Group leaders would be trained on how to use the under listed documents to prepare peer review appraisals and monitor each other’s activities
2. Attached templates would be used as appraisal files
3. Groups cross examine themselves using the check list provided and verify one another
a. Note: Farmer A checks farm B, Farmer B cannot Check Farmer A but can check another farmer C
4. States verify group claims and endorse claims after surveillances (Randomly or cross checking claims and submissions)
5. Submit documented proceedings for Final endorsement from National PSG committee.
6. PGS National cross examines submitted documents and give final endorsement after all surveillances done.
7. LOGOs Stamps issued to groups and farmers identifications and other details placed on web portals for transparency and visibility